Lane Cove Council is responsible for providing residents with safe, convenient and connected pedestrian routes. Every local council puts together a Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP). This plan helps identify areas which need to be improved to make walking easier for residents.
Lane Cove Council is currently reviewing its PAMP and they want your feedback. A well drafted PAMP should provide transportation, environmental and social benefits to the community, such as:
- more appropriate pedestrian facilities, particularly in busy areas;
- safe and convenient crossing opportunities on major roads;
- reduced injuries to pedestrians;
- promotion of walking for pleasure and health;
- links with other transport services;
- improved access for mobility impaired users, including older persons; and
- infrastructure suitable for wheelchairs, walking aids, mobility scooters, guide dogs, prams and bicycles.
A draft PAMP was commissioned and nine (9) pedestrian routes throughout Lane Cove were audited.
Interestingly there is no mention of the Pedestrian Crossing at Longueville Road and how this impacts traffic flow. The report is aimed at pedestrian access, however this pedestrian crossing is a problem. Drivers become impatient waiting for pedestrians to cross in dribs and drabs or a driver starts to accelerate and someone darts out to cross the road.
At the May 2018 Lane Cove Council Meeting it was resolved:
That the General Manager investigates and reports back to Council in a separate report at the same meeting that the Draft Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan is to be adopted, on the following:
1. Traffic control measures at the pedestrian crossing on Longueville Road between the Westpac Bank and Lane Cove Plaza; and
2. The intersection (corner) near the TAB and post office investigate inclusion of bus turning zone marked on the road approaching both sides of the pedestrian crossing or other options.
Read more here.
Even though this pedestrian crossing is not mentioned in the PAMP, feel free to raise this as an issue.
Now is your chance to have you say. You can comment on issues such as:
- pedestrian connections;
- path widths;
- pedestrian crossings;
- line markings;
- signage;
- kerb ramps; and
- fixtures.
To have your say on the Draft Plan you can use an Interactive Map to show the exact location of your concerns or suggested improvements.
Watch Councillor Andrew Zbik show you how to use the interactive map.
Additionally, you can make a submission to the Lane Cove Council General Manager quoting the reference ‘Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan Lane Cove – SU5009’ by:
- Post: PO Box 20, Lane Cove 1595;
- Fax: 9911 3600; or
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