Hearing a lot about Xtend Barre Lane Cove but still not really sure what it is? Read on!
Xtend Barre is:
- A blend of pilates, ballet and dance fitness that gives a whole-body workout
- A mix of cardio, strength and flexibility that features a wide combination of movements
- High-intensity but low-impact
- The perfect workout for all fitness levels and abilities!
And here are 5 more things you need to know about Xtend Barre Lane Cove:
You DON’T have to be Dancer
You don’t even need to be coordinated! The beauty of Xtend Barre is that all the classes are multi-level, so whether you’re a professional dancer or you have two left feet, you will still get a great workout. All the exercises can be modified or advanced to suit every fitness level and experience. The goal is that your form and your strength consistently improves with each class. So as you get better, the exercises actually get harder, because you’re performing them with the correct technique! This means your body is constantly being challenged and when you’re challenged – you get RESULTS!
It’s HARD but FUN
Do not be fooled by the half-kilo weights! Xtend Barre is the opposite of traditional, old school weight training. We emphasise the importance of light weights and lots of reps, so that half-kilo weight feels like a 100-kilo sandbag in no time! Our classes are taught by highly trained instructors who focus on form, engaging the core muscles correctly and isolating those exact muscles you’re targeting in a specific exercise. We work them to fatigue, then move to the next muscle group. You will be sore in places you never knew existed!
Xtend Barre Lane Cove is like no other class you have done before. Ever.
It challenges your strength, cardiovascular endurance, coordination, flexibility, and balance to give you a comprehensive, full body workout. Most people have never trained like this before – using the strength and conditioning principles of a professional dancer’s training – you’ll transform your body in no time.
You’ll get ADDICTED
This is a given. There is something about the combination of great music, no two classes being the same, the one-to-one attention from your instructor, with the energy of a small group training environment that gets people hooked on Xtend Barre from the first time they try it! Xtend Barre takes the hard part out of exercising. All you need to do is turn up and we’ll take care of the rest.
You’ll discover the secret to regular exercise and achieving REAL RESULTS
At Xtend Barre Lane Cove, we know that boredom is one of the main reasons most people aren’t good at sticking to a regular exercise schedule. You start something, it’s new and exciting, then…within weeks, it’s not anymore. The secret to maintaining a regular workout regime and getting amazing results is finding something you LOVE. Something that constantly challenges you and changes you. When you find something you love, you want to do it often, and when you do something often, that’s when you get the best results.
So what are you waiting for? Come and join our new fitness community – be surrounded by likeminded people, make new friends, or exercise with your existing friends!
Contact Details Xtend Barre Lane Cove
Address: 71 Longueville Road Lane Cove (near Anytime Fitness)
Phone: 0448 880 884
Website: www.xtendbarre.com.au
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: @xtendbarrelanecove
Instagram: @xtendbarrelanecove
This is a sponsored blog. Xtend Barre is an ITC Platinum Sponsor. Without our sponsors we could not undertake our community and advocacy work in Lane Cove. Please support those fab local businesses who support ITC.