Bridget Kennedy is Lane Cove’s Citizen of the Year. Bridget lives and breathes sustainability.
- created a verge garden in Seville Street that brings joy to many residents. Read more here;
- is a founding member of The Repair Cafe Northside and donates her time on the first two Sundays of the Month to repair jewellery for local residents. Read more here;
- has a contemporary jewellery gallery in North Sydney where she donates 10% of her profits to an environmental cause. Read more here;
- runs creative workshops at Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Space; and
- she has just created the Edible Garden Trial with Crop Swap Founder Laurie Greene.
Bridget’s Garden
Bridget’s garden is amazing. Bridget has packed a standard quarter-acre block with edible plants, an aquaponics system holding trout and silver perch, a chicken coop, a beehive and a couple of quirky ducks. The garden was recently acknowledged as the best edible garden in the Lane Cove Council’s Garden Competition.
The Verge Garden?
At varying times of the year there might be in the verge garden:- strawberries, rosemary, sage, thyme, lemon grass, arrowroot, globe artichokes, warrigal greens, comfrey, lemonade citrus, sweet potato, regular potato, lavender, Fejoa, natal plums, perennial basil, chilli, parsley and sorrel. There is always some passionfruit as well.
Eco Warrior
Bridget is an eco warrior insisting on repairing, repurposing, remaking and recycling just about everything.
Lane Cove Citizenship Awards – Other Categories
Congratulations to the following who received a Lane Cove Citizenship Award.
Young Achiever Award: Jeremy Cardew – for his services to the Lane Cove Theatre Company and Chatswood High School’s performing arts centre.
Young Achiever Award: Charlie and Grace Doran – for creating Gear 4 Good which collected more than 200 pieces of sports gear in 2018 and donated them to disadvantage communities
Access and Disability Award: Isabelle Heim Fund – for their work in supporting Walter and Chris Heim and their daughter Isabelle who has had severe cerebral palsy almost from birth.
Music, Art and Culture Award: Lochie Paul Beh – for his work as president of the Lane Cove Theatre Company. Lochie has helped the LCTC become more profitable so funds can be injected back into the local performing arts community.
Music, Art and Culture Award: Katrina Cashman – for her work with Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Space
Workplace General Award: Mark Brown – for his work with the Lane Cove Youth Orchestra
Sport Award: Neil Cooper – for his work with the Lane Cove West Tennis Club for more than 18 years.
Community Service Award: Victoria Caush – for her work with Meals on Wheels
Community Service Award: Margaret Burke – for her work on the Lane Cove Bicycle Advisory Committee and he works with the Tambourine Bay Scouts.
Community Service Award: Dr Frances Christie – for her work with the Lane Cove Historical Society
Community Service Award: Bronwen Dalton – for her work with Ruff Sleepers – taking car of a homeless person’s pet
Community Service Award: Michael Taylor – for his work with Sydney Community Services
Community Service Award: Barry King – for his work with computer pals
Leadership Award: Phil Arnold – for his work with the Cameraygal Concert Band
Workplace – Council Award: Elliott Kliffen – for his outstanding contribution to Lane Cove Council
Workplace – Council Award: Caroline Hodkinson – for her outstanding contribution to Lane Cove Council
Outstanding Business of the Year: Len Wallis Audio – Len Wallis Audio began in 1978 as a one person operation and now is the most awarded audio visual business in Australia.
Sustainable Citizen Award: Mandy Sayyadi – for her work on Boomerang Bags
Sustainable Organisation Award: Tag I.T Team – Lane Cove Public School for launching a sustainable bag business to fund recycling bins at the Lane Cove Public School. The programme will be featured on the War on Waste later in the year. Read more here.
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