Why Physical Activity is so Important

Vision Personal Training Lane Cove have some great advice for us about keeping moving, to help you look and feel good inside and out.

Vision Team physical activity

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health and general well-being.

Ways in which Physical Activity can help……..

  • Increases your chances of living Longer – We all want that!

People who are Physically active can help reduce risk of heart disease and some cancers.

  • Strengthens Bones and Muscles.

Not only do they support your body and help you move which helps you with your day-to-day activities. Muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain strength and muscle mass. Research shows that by doing moderate-intense level of physical activity can slow the loss of bone density that happens with age. Increasing this will benefit no matter what your age.

  • Preventing Injury.

None of us are getting any younger, physical activity will Improve ability to do everyday activities and prevent falls. Such as climbing stairs, grocery shopping and running around after the kids or grand kids.

  • Improves Mental Health and Moods.

Regular physical activity can help with your thinking, learning, stress, anxiety  & sleep patterns. It can also reduce the risk of depression.

  • Controlling Weight

Both eating well and physical activity play a crucial role in controlling weight whether it is to maintain or to lose weight and keep it off.  With a well monitored eating plan and training program you’ll see great results in as little as 9 weeks.

  • Reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes or already have type 2 diabetes?

The more physical activity you do the lower your risk will be and regular physical activity can help control your blood glucose levels.

  • Cardiovascular Disease

Regular physical activity can also lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels and reduce risk of heart disease and stroke.

No matter your age, start slowly and gradually increase your level of activity the most important thing is to avoid being inactive the health benefits far outweigh the risks of getting hurt and being unhealthy and unhappy.

Vision Personal Training provides the comfort of knowing that you are in safe hands of a professional who can cater exercises both for weight bearing and cardiovascular to your ability, while taking into consideration your limitations and ability in completing certain exercise to help improve mobility, flexibility, strength and posture.

Having a personal trainer means you have an exercise program that is tailored that best suits your health conditions and lifestyle.  Low impact exercise along with strength training are highly recommended for anyone who wants to get physical but there is no “one size fits all” approach, so it’s best to speak to a professional before undertaking any new exercise regime.

Book you free consultation with Vision Personal Training today – details here.

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