Lane Cove is slowly coming back to life with more and more people starting back at work. We also saw a few rainy days.
Lost Bus
Lane Cove West has been asking for better public transport, but residents were stunned this week to see a bus in 25 Best Street. It took a while to manoeuvre out of the complex.
Lane Cove Council Seeks Witnesses
Trees have been killed in Austin Street Lane Cove – if you witnessed anything please contact Lane Cove Council. More details here.
Business Alert
A new store will soon be opening on Longueville Road called Travelbug. It will be located in the old DSDamat shop.
Lane Cove Market Square Car Park
The pay machines were vandalized and you can no longer use these machines. You can pay on exit. Remember if you think you might have been in the car park for longer than three hours, use the red/orange lane to exit and stop right next to the pay machine to check if you have to pay.
The Canopy
The Canopy is on track for opening in Mid 2020. The waterproof membrane is being installed. Coles and Aldi are in the first stage of fitting out their premises. Not sure how sealed the site is at the moment as the car parking levels had big puddles during the rainy days.
School Holiday Activities
It’s not too late to book School Holiday camps or activities. Check out our list of local camps and workshops here. If your school has a pupil free day on the first week back at school, River Road Tennis Centre is offering a one day camp.
Upcoming Events
Simon Kennedy Bush Fire Fundraiser
Hear Simon Kennedy, local comedian, talk about his book 9/11 Art of Happiness and his personal connection to that event. The event will include a Q and A and if you purchase the book all proceeds go to the Red Cross. More info about the event here.
Find out more about Simon here
This week in review is sponsored by SRM Lawyers. It’s a new year and one of your new year’s resolutions should be to get your life in order. It is always a good idea to have a power of attorney and a will and local lawyers SRM can help you. Find out why you should have a power of attorney here.
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