Happy Easter, everyone. Here is a list of businesses that are open tomorrow.
You can use your Dine and Discover Vouchers over the Easter Holiday period – further info here.
Ausgrid Helicopter
We were inundated on Good Friday with questions about a helicopter hovering over Lane Cove North for a few hours. Ausgrid is inspecting by airpower poles and vegetation around power poles. See attached map (Lane Cove is in the Northern Beaches area). The chopper will likely be over other Lane Cove suburbs in the coming week.
Hunters Hill High School Featured on The Project
📌📌📌 Hunters Hill High School and Worn Up were on The Project with a story on Worn Up recycling old school uniforms and converting them into tables and other objects. Hunters Hill High School is the first school to get involved in the project.
Business Alert
The Art Gallery near Dymocks closed this week.
The area below Via Napoli is for lease. Via Napoli has not used this area since they took over the old X-Ray premises on the ground floor. Do you remember when it was a Tapas bar called the Hungry Bull?
Fox Sightings
A roving reporter told us they saw a Fox in their backyard in Nundah Street. ITC regularly get reports of fox sightings in Lane Cove. Check out our article here to learn how you can report any Lane Cove Fox sightings to Fox Scan.
Congratulations to Keith and Maureene Smith
Well done to Keith and Maureene Smith for another successful Huge Plant Sale with all proceeds going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. They have now completed their Huge Plant Sale, and they told us the following:
“Thanks again for your support. Despite the deluge of a century, we raised $11 465.00, and many customers heard of us through In the Cove.
Keith and Maureene”
The next plant sale is October – keep an eye out for it as we will have details on In the Cove.
Lane Cove Rotary Fair Will Return in 2021
The very popular Lane Cove Rotary Fair will be on Sunday, 10 October 2021. Put this date in your diary now. The website for the fair is https://lanecoverotaryfair.org/, and it will be updated soon to provide all the details you need to know. In the Cove looks forward to meeting you at the fair.
Lane Cove Locals in the News
Paul and Tutti Bennett were featured in the Guardian. The article was about how they have stayed together for 44 years by not following the rules.
You can read the article here.
Jack Jones is Coming to the Canopy
Zone 1: premium seating close to the stage – get close to the music and the magic
Zone 2: chilled bean bag chairs on the hill. This seating is relaxed and family-friendly. Tickets very limited
Zone 3: seated on the green of The Canopy, enjoy this incredible chance to see Jack Jones
General Admission and Senior (65+) Admission tickets available
Bring your own food and drink or dine in the village. Check out our ITC Cusine Guide here.
Fantastic music event for the whole family!
Proudly presented by Sydney Live Events and supported by Lane Cove Council.
General Info
Date: 23rd April
Time: 7pm – 9pm
Duration: 2 hours
Venue: The Canopy
Age requirement: all ages!
Entry to The Canopy car park after 6:00 pm is free
A Good Deed
The following was posted on Facebook after a dog was hit on Northwood Road.

Crime Report and Accidents
A cyclist was hit on Epping Road near Moore Road. Traffic was backed up to Longueville Road in one direction and Pittwater Road in the other direction.
Two eggs were thrown at a Cope sTreet house at 12.30 am Easter Saturday.
North Shore Vet – Our Week in Review Sponsor
Help In the Cove Grow
In the Cove wants to employ local people, we want to bring even more news to you, and we need your help. Become an In The Cove member, and we have a little gift for you (our very own reusable masks sourced from a Lane Cove business). To find out how to help here and how to get your reusable mask, hurry as stocks are limited.
Local News At Your Fingertips
In the Cove is run by locals. It is the only online hyperlocal news and media business based in Lane Cove. We provide local free news – we do not have a paywall and will never have a paywall.
Facebook In the Cove – Local News and Media
Lane Cove Chat by ITC – Chat with other Lane Cove locals about local issues, lost pets, local info and more on our closed Lane Cove Facebook group. We closely monitor membership, to make sure (as much as possible) that members either live or work in Lane Cove.
Every Wednesday, Lane Cove News, sign up for our Lane Cove news blast delivered to your inbox every Wednesday night. Sign up here.
Read Our latest news blast here.
Instagram – Follow our adventures around Lane Cove as we snap our lovely leafy Lane Cove.