Lane Cove News Week in Review 10th to 17th January 2024

Welcome to our week in review.

Heavy Rain

The heavy rain resulted in some isolated flooding and damaged at least one Lane Cove business.

It’s not unusual for the Lane Cove Golf Course to flood when there is heavy rain, which happened again (see the video below courtesy of the Lane Cove Golf Club Pro Shop).

Kin Cafe, located in the Harris Farm building, had to close due to flooding.  They hope to reopen soon.

Lane Cove Events

Did you want to see Taylor Swift and miss out on tickets? What is the next best thing to do? Why not see the Taylor and the Besties Tribute Show at The Canopy on Friday, 16th February 2024? Lane Cove Council has organised the Taylor and the Besties Tribute Show to celebrate Taylor Swift’s tour of Australia – this is an all-ages concert that the whole family can enjoy. This concert features songs made famous by megastars Taylor Swift, Katie Perry, and Lady Gaga.

Details and where to book in our article here.

There are still tickets available for the next concert at The Canopy – Oils Aint Oils on 27 January 2024 – booking details here.

Tantallon Oval Closed

Lane Cove Council has commenced work at Tantallon Oval to upgrade the drainage and irrigation. The sports field will be closed until the Autumn Sports Season.  (see our cover photo)

The field is not available for sport or dog walking – alternative unleashed dog areas include Pottery Green (when organised sports activities are not taking place) or Turrumburra Park (which is fully fenced) or in Willoughby City Council area O.H. Reid Reserve, Reid Drive, Chatswood West.

Missing Person Found

We had our first police helicopter sighting for 2024. On 12 January, a police helicopter was circling Riverview, and there were several police cars near Tambourine Bay Reserve. They were looking for a missing person.  The missing person was located in Greenwich on 13 January 2024.

Boat Parking Near Kingsford Smith Oval

Lane Cove Council Council reviewed boat trailers parking on streets around Kingsford Smith Oval, Longueville, at its meeting on 19 October 2023. The council resolved that the parking restrictions on roads around Kingsford Smith Oval be restricted to allow motorised vehicles only for a trial period of 6 months.

The proposal is to install ‘No Parking; Motor Vehicles Excepted’ around the streets of Dunois, Kenneth, William Edward, and Stuart Streets. The proposed restriction is only for the perimeter of the oval. A concept plan is below. This would allow residents and visitors to park their motorised vehicles.

If you wish to provide feedback, complete this survey by Sunday, February 4, 2024.

You can monitor the progress of this proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meeting. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on the Council’s website.

The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and the Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas and minutes can be accessed here.

Photo Source: Lane Cove Council

The Diddy in the News

At In the Cove, we get asked why the Longueville Sporting Club is known as The Diddy. The Longueville Sporting Club has hit the big time with The Guardian UK naming The Diddy as one of the quirkiest nicknames for a sporting club – you can read the article here.

The Diddy was excited about the recognition – see an extract from their newsletter below.

Australia Day is coming up; it is always a big day at the Diddy with live music. You can book a table here.

Amenities Block and Lighting Upgrade – Pottery Green Oval

Lane Cove Council has advised that the Pottery Green amenities block and lighting are being upgraded in early 2024.

Refurbishment of the amenities block will begin in February, while the lighting will be upgraded in March.

Preliminary works will take place from mid-January.

Have Your Say Traffic Changes Parklands Avenue

Lane Cove Council is proposing some changes on Parklands Avenue Lane Cove North at two locations – the first between Epping Road and Landers Road and the second at the intersection of Parklands Avenue/Landers Road/Kara Street.

The proposed changes are due to the number of vehicles undertaking U-turns on Parklands Avenue, creating safety issues for vehicles and pedestrians.  The vehicle undertakes U-turns to avoid the long wait at the Epping Road Longueville Road intersection to turn right (the right-hand turn arrow only allows a few cars to turn at a time.  This has been an issue for a considerable period – see our 2016 article showing videos of vehicles turning into Longeuville Road from Epping Road here.  Lane Cove Council noted:

“Council will continue lobbying Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to improve the phasing and provide additional green time for the traffic signals at the Epping Road/Longueville Road/Parklands Avenue intersection for right turning traffic from Epping Road into Longueville Road. This may prevent vehicles doing U-turns on Parklands Avenue to avoid the delay at the lights.”

The Council is proposing changes to improve safety at:

Location 1 – Parklands Avenue/Landers Road/Kara Street intersection

To address safety concerns created by vehicles undertaking U-turns at this intersection, Lane Cove Council is proposing two options outlined below:

Option 1: Roundabout

Option 2: Pedestrian refuges at the intersection

Lane Cove Council has prepared the following tables:

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Option 1: Roundabout

Advantages Disadvantages
Facilitates safe U-turns for all vehicles Impacts the on-street drop-off and pick-up spaces for Stringybark Child Care Centre.

The existing 2 x 1/4P parking will be relocated further west of its original location. To accommodate the relocation of these spaces, there will be a loss of 2 x 2P parking spaces on Landers Road.

It acts as a traffic-calming device and slows vehicles down As the roundabout will make it easier to undertake U-turns, this option may potentially encourage more traffic to undertake U-turns.
Improves accessibility for pick up and drop off at the Lane Cove Interchange. Vehicles can use the roundabout to do a U-Turn and pick up or drop off commuters using the Interchange.
improves accessibility for apartments on Longueville Road between Parklands Avenue and Pacific Highway
The refuge islands at the roundabout allow pedestrians to cross the roads in stages.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Option 2: Pedestrian refuges at the intersection

Advantages Disadvantages
Narrows the intersection and discourages vehicles from undertaking U-turns Due to the intersection’s geometry, it is impossible to design an intersection that will prevent U-turns entirely. This option will only make it harder to undertake a U-turn.
It acts as traffic calming device and slows vehicles down Impacts the on-street drop-off and pick-up spaces for Stringybark Child Care Centre.

The existing 2 x 1/4P parking will be relocated further west of its original location. To accommodate the relocation of these spaces, there will be a loss of 2 x 2P parking spaces on Landers Road.

The refuge islands at the intersection allow pedestrians to cross the road in stages. As this option makes it harder to undertake a U-turn, it will hinder accessibility for vehicles picking up and dropping off commuters at the interchange.
As this option makes it harder to undertake a U-turn, it will hinder accessibility for apartments with driveway access on Longueville Road between Parklands Avenue and Pacific Highway.
This option makes it harder to undertake a U-turn so that it may displace the U-turns further north of the Parklands Avenue/Landers Road/Kara Street intersection.


Location 2 – Parklands Avenue between Epping Road and Landers Road

The Council is proposing to install a concrete median along Parklands Avenue. The proposed options are either a short or long median, as outlined below.

Option 1: Short median – Concrete median extending from the Parklands Avenue/Epping Road/Longueville Road intersection up to the driveway of 1A Parklands Avenue. The median will stop south of the driveway and not block proper turn access in/out of the property.

Option 2: Long median – Concrete median extending from the Parklands Avenue/Epping Road/Longueville Road intersection up to Parklands Avenue/Landers Road/Kara Street intersection. This proposed median will tie into the roundabout or splitter island outlined above.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Option 1: Short median

Advantages Disadvantages
Prevents U-turns on Parklands Avenue near Epping Road May displace U-turns further north along Parklands Avenue
Does not hinder right turn access in/out of driveways in Parklands Avenue between intersections, Does not prevent vehicles from using the driveways


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Option 2: Long median

Advantages Disadvantages
Prevents U-turns along Parklands Avenue between Epping Road and Landers Road Hinders right turn access in/out of affected properties on Parklands Road between Epping Road and Landers Road
May displace U-turns further north along Parklands Avenue


Have your say

Provide your feedback by participating in the survey here.

Alternatively, you can lodge a written submission to the General Manager by quoting SU9623 by:

Email: [email protected] or,

Post: Lane Cove Council, PO BOX 20, LANE COVE, NSW, 1595

You have until midnight Monday 29 January 2024 to submit your comments.

Industrial Action – Busways

BUS Delays due to industrial action took place on Wednesday, 10 January, and Monday, 15 Jan.

Busways posted the following on their Facebook page – note the last line – their wording, not ITC!!

“Busways advises customers in the North Shore and West to expect some delays in services this evening, Wednesday, 10 January, between 8 pm-10 pm and Monday, 15 January, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm, due to stop work action by maintenance personnel.

Busways works with all involved to resolve the situation and keep services running on time.”

Business Alert

Cozy Cove

Cozy Cove has closed.


Eyes 4 You

Eyes 4 You has relocated to 42 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066 (near The Spotted Orchid).

Their phone number and email remain the same.

Phone:  02 94272500

Email: [email protected]

These two tenancies will be combined, and the Commonwealth Bank will relocate from Longueville Road.



Fink Cafe

Fink Cafe has now reopened after undergoing renovations.  Fink Cafe is located at the Figtree Shops in Lane Cove West on Burns Bay Road (next door to Hummerstons).


Lane Cove Sport

Lane Cove Rugby Union Club

Registrations are now open for the Lane Cove Junior Rugby Union 2024 season – don’t miss out, register as soon as possible (it takes time for the club to put together teams and register them)

Registration Link here.


School Holiday Activities

If you want to book your kids into some school holiday activities during the School Holidays, you can find a list of school holiday activities here.

The guide includes the following activities:
  • Golf
  • Sailing
  • Sewing
  • Intensive swimming sessions
  • Pottery
  • Tennis
  • Coding
  • Martial Arts
  • Dance Camps
  • Jujitsu Camp
  • Self Defence camp
  • School Readiness
  • Maths
  • All Abilities group programs
  • Craft
  • Music Camp


Also, it is about time to think about term time activities. It’s never too early to start booking your term time activities.  We have compiled a list of local activities for babies, pre-schoolers, primary school students, tweens, teenagers, and secondary school kids – in other words, something for everyone.   Read our article here.



Crime, Incident and Accident Report


On the weekend, Tambourine Bay Road was closed due to a falling tree branch bringing down powerlines.  A Fire crew and police were in attendance while Ausgrid repaired the lines.

If you see fallen powerlines, according to Ausgrid:

“For your safety, you must stay at least 8 metres or two car lengths away and report them to us. Call the Ausgrid on 13 13 88 (24hrs) to report fallen or arcing powerlines, dangerous leaning or fallen poles, exposed underground cables, damaged kiosks or pillars.”


The wet weather has resulted in more accidents on River Road between Barina Road and Warraroon Road Lane Cove.

In the Cove was copied in on the following email to Lane Cove Council dated 16th January 2024:

“Subject: Urgent Concern – Hazardous Road Conditions on River Road

I am writing for a second time to bring to your attention a matter of great concern regarding the current condition of River Road. In the past three weeks, I have personally witnessed three accidents in that area, raising serious concerns about the safety of both pedestrians and motorists.

This morning alone, two separate incidents occurred. The first involved a loss of control by a vehicle while my son was walking to the bus, and the second occurred only 20 minutes later as my daughter was driving to work. These incidents highlight the urgent need for attention to the treacherous conditions of River Road.

The frequency of accidents in such a short span of time suggests a pressing need for improvements to the road infrastructure. I fear that if prompt action is not taken, it is only a matter of time before a more severe incident occurs, potentially resulting in serious injuries or even loss of life.

I kindly request that the Council conducts a thorough assessment of the road conditions on River Road and takes appropriate measures to address any hazards present. Our community members’ safety, pedestrians, and motorists should be a top priority.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to hearing about the actions that will be taken to ensure the safety of everyone using River Road.

Thank you for your time and consideration.”


We have been advised of more mail theft, and in one case, a man on a motorbike drove into a local’s home and stole their Amazon delivery.

Week in Review Sponsor – Dan Murphy’s Lane Cove Cellar

Dan Murphy’s Lane Cove Cellcated in Lane Cove West at 231 Buns Bay Road.

Join Dan Murphy’s Lane Cove Cellar’s team for daily Wine Discoveries Day. New and delicious wines are available for swirling and tasting every Tuesday and Friday. The Cellar places them under Coravin so they remain fresh and vibrant.
Come in and chat with the lovely team.

Have you been to the ICON room at Dan Muphy’s The Cellar? – this room is where they hold their ticketed wine-tasting events.

Address: 231 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove NSW, 2066
Facebook:  danmurphys
Instagram: @danmurphys_lanecovecellar/


Check out the Icon Room at The Cellar Lane Cove


Help Support Local and Independent News

You can support us in three ways:

  1. Become an ITC reader sponsor – If you have enjoyed our local news coverage, please consider becoming an ITC reader sponsor. You can sponsor us with a monthly sponsorship fee. We have reader sponsors who support us for $5.00 a month and some who invest $100 a year – no amount is too small or too big. Thank you so much to those who supported us via our press Patreon account. Help Us Here.
  2. Buy the ITC  team a coffee – We now have a team, and they need to be paid – by the ITC team a coffee (or two) that will help us pay their wages. Buy a Coffee here.
  3. If you own a Lane Cove Business or a Lane Cove resident who owns a business, you can advertise with ITC. Please email us here for our rates card.