Issues You Want Discussed at the Lane Cove Roads and Traffic Forum

    Our local member Anthony Roberts approached In the Cove and asked if we would like to be involved in a forum where local residents could meet with him and senior staff representing the Minister for Metropolitian Roads to discuss local traffic issues.

    Numerous locals have contacted his office about Lane Cove road issues and he wanted to draw the relevant departments’ attention to the issues.

    A Roads and Traffic Forum will be held on 20 July 2022 at 6.30 pm at the Longueville Bowling Club (The Diddy) Cnr of Kenneth St and Longueville Rd, Longueville.  It is not too late to register – register here.

    We asked ITC readers to let us know the traffic issues they wanted to be discussed at the forum.  Thank you to everyone who sent us their questions.  The issues below will be discussed.

    Penrose Street/Centennial Avenue/Burns Bay Road Intersection


    Issue:  20 000 cars travel along River Road per day.  Most drivers travelling along Penrose Street want to turn left into Burns Bay Road.  Although Penrose Street is two lanes, it effectively becomes one lane if there is a vehicle in the right-hand lane.  This is one of Lane Cove’s most congested roads, and a left-hand turn lane needs to be constructed, or light sequencing changed.

    One resident raised the following issue about the light sequence changing

    “We also need the light sequence changed, turning right from Penrose onto Burns Bay road during school hours for a longer period. We have to wait for three sets of lights to turn right to drop off and pick up the kids. Is that doable?”




    Centennial Avenue/Barwon Road/Figtree Road


    Issue:  A Red Light camera has been installed, but it is only for vehicles crossing from Barwon Road/Figtree Road.

    Drivers clog up the intersection and regularly turn right from Centennial Avenue into Figtree Street when the light is red.



    Centennial Avenue/Epping Road


    Issue: No right turn into Epping Road from Centennial Avenue (for drivers heading towards North Ryde)

    Despite the no right-hand turn – drivers are doing illegal right-hand turns.  This is holding up traffic on Centennial Avenue.  Residents have taken to putting up signs to remind people not to turn right into Epping Road, as the official right-hand sign is frequently hit by cars.

    What is the reason for the restriction?


    Mowbray Road/Centennial Avenue

    When will the Right turn Lane from Mowbray Road to Centennial Avenue be constructed? It was authorised more than ten years ago.


    Tambourine Bay Road and Burns Bay Road

    Issue: No right turn into Burns Bay Road from Tambourine Bay Road

    Lane Cove Council said this was imposed on them by TfNSW.  Why was this restriction imposed?

    Issue:  No right turn into Cox’s Lane

    This has resulted in drivers doing an illegal right-hand turn at Rosenthal Lane into Rosenthal Avenue.  This is extremely dangerous as, due to The Canopy structure, you cannot see cars approaching.  They are turning here as there is no other place to do a right-hand turn to go back to Epping Road/Longueville Road.  It has also resulted in Trucks being stuck on the roundabout at The Canopy as they attempt a right-hand turn.


    Tambourine Bay Road and River Road West – Right-Hand Turn


    Issue: Drivers turning right into River Road West clog up the intersection and create a massive traffic snarl – however, this is usually around the peak period and, in particular, school drop-off and pick-off.  ITC raised this with TtNSW, who advised that

    “Transport for NSW has reviewed the traffic lights at the intersection of River Road and Tambourine Road at Lane Cove and can confirm there are no faults that would impact the traffic light sequence.

    During peak periods, traffic may not clear the intersection in one cycle, and motorists may need to wait for the next green light to pass through the intersection.

    Transport for NSW will continue to monitor the traffic lights at this intersection and respond to any identified faults accordingly.”

    Longueville Road/Epping Road/Landers Road


    Issue:  The right-hand turning lane is too short, which blocks traffic, effectively making Epping Road one lane. The right-hand turning arrow is activated for a short time; people make risky right-hand turns or turn left into Landers Road and then do illegal U-turns to avoid this right-hand turn.


    Mindarie Park

    Not enough parking for visitors making the streets around the park clogged.  The Stringy Bark Creek Residents Associations has suggested the following solution:

    “SBCRA has suggested that State Government should acquire one of the properties currently owned by the Land and Housing Corporation in the area (If necessary by compulsory acquisition) and create a parking space (Ground level only) to be developed and administered by the Lane Cove Council. The area would have to be time-limited paid parking from say 6 am to 6 pm and then free after that so residents can benefit from the facility.”

    Karilla Avenue Rat Run

    Several requests for this item to be on the agenda.  One resident explained the issue as follows:

    “Karilla Ave rat run between Centennial Ave and Epping Road and lack of understanding by State Authorities (Planning and TfNSW) that resolution of issues requires their cooperation through LC Local Traffic Committee.

    Poor coordination and planning between State and Council authorities has created a ‘Gordian Knot’ outcome for LC North residents in local streets (Karilla Ave, Parklands Ave, Landers Rd.) between State arterial roads (Epping Rd and Centennial Ave). No one could have foreseen such significant traffic impacts when our properties were purchased before the increased densities being introduced in the Mowbray Precinct west of Centennial Ave after 2007, exacerbated by the Epping Rd choke with lane funnelling to benefit the Lane Cove Tunnel contract, and further affected on weekends by popularity of The Canopy and increased visits from many locals outside our ward and LGA.

    There has been a long and frustrating path trying to resolve the escalating impacts in our West Ward over the past 14 years, and limited interest from the Local Traffic Committee in ways to find workable solutions. Attempts in traffic calming by LC Council have had a minimal effect on traffic volumes at peak times, and these are frequently abused by many cars with enhanced exhausts and commercial vehicles that use the short cut in both directions between Centennial Ave and Epping Rd. that also affects Parklands Ave and Landers Road. Due to excessive speeds there is the consequent noise of deceleration and acceleration either side of a recently constructed speed hump, or loud bangs as tradies tools or delivery van goods lift and drop when drivers decide to ignore what is supposed to be a traffic calming device!

    While turn restrictions at the Karilla / Centennial Ave intersection would be the most effective outcome this has not had adequate support, so introduction of a 30km/hr speed limit (evident in many other LGAs) may help but would require Local Traffic Committee support with monitoring and policing for real results in reducing impacts. ”


    Cycleways – Who Is Responsible for clearing and cleaning?


    With the recent storms, the cycleways have become dangerous with branches and debris.  Several ITC members have contacted both Council and Ttfnsw and have been told different information about who is responsible.  Who is responsible for maintenance, and how is an issue reported?

    Pedestrian  Waiting Time at Longueville Road/Birdwood Road

    A local asked for information on waiting time for pedestrians at lights

    I was also keen to request a reduction in waiting times for pedestrians at traffic lights generally, particularly at Longueville Rd/Birdwood Ave, where they are currently extraordinarily long.